Check Out the Tips to Fix Common Bad Dog Behaviors

It is a natural tendency among dog owners to want their furry friends to be well-mannered and obedient. But sometimes, we get to see bad behavior in dogs. This bad behavior can be due to various reasons. It is up to the owner to handle such situations efficiently.

They should know how to control a dog’s bad behavior or how to give them the right training and teach them a good lesson so that they become well-manner and well-behaved dogs and fulfill their expectations the right way. 

Here, in this content, you will come to know about the types of bad behavior in dogs and some useful tips to give them the right training. So, now let’s check out the types of behavior first. 

Types of Bad Behavior in Dogs 

Different types of dogs behave differently, and these behaviors are considered bad behaviors. Some dogs behave aggressively while others show their annoying nature. The behavior of dogs depends greatly on a number of factors that include –

·         Type of Breed: The behavior of dogs varies as per their type. Some dogs are known for their bad behavior, such as digging, too much barking, etc. 

  • Age: Bad behavior is mostly observed in young dogs and puppies. 
  • Dog Training: Training can create a lot of change in a dog’s behavior if it is given the right way. 
  • Situation: The bad behavior of dogs depends on a number of situations. For example, separation anxiety. It is a kind of situation where a dog barks continuously. On the other hand, some dogs bark without any specific reason. 
  • Preference of Owner: Well, it depends on the owner a lot. What seems extremely bad to an owner may not be considered bad behavior to another. So, it varies as per the perception of the people. 

A dog’s behavior is considered bad if it repeats the same thing over and over again, even after making several corrections. The most common types of the bad behavior in dogs include 

·         Begging

  • Barking
  • Digging
  • Jumping up
  • Counter-surfing
  • Whining
  • Biting
  • Chewing
  • Leash pulling
  • Nipping
  • Chasing
  • Urinating

If your furry friend occasionally shows any of such behavior, then it is not a big problem. However, if you find that such types of behavior are repeated very often, it is time to take them seriously. You, as an owner, have to find ways to treat the bad behavior of dogs.

For better results, you can prefer to speak with a veterinarian and ask him for some suggestions on how to fix bad behavior in dogs. Some will suggest you install a wireless electric dog fence around the yard where your dog can enjoy some safe playtime, and, in this way, their anxiety and stress levels will get reduced to some extent. 

How to Efficiently Control Bad Behavior in Dogs? 

The first step here is to determine the cause of your dog’s bad behavior, as it has already been mentioned that dogs’ bad behavior depends on the situation. So, try to find out the cause first. Besides the situation, there can be different medical issues as well that may lead to poor behavior in dogs.

For example, if a dog has an ear problem, he will become more sensitive to noise and try to protest through barking. On the other hand, if a dog is suffering from any kind of bladder infection, it will urinate more frequently around the house.

Stress and anxiety also trigger bad behavior in dogs. All these medical problems can be treated with the help of a professional veterinarian doctor. But before you bring your furry friend to the doctor, make sure you find out the actual cause of such behavior. Once you find out the cause, it will be easier for you to control your dog’s bad behavior. 

In today’s age, different types of techniques are applied in treating bad behavior in dogs.

Let’s Have a Look at Those Techniques Below-

Ø  Prevention 

Prevention is a useful technique that helps you to control your dog’s bad behavior. When you know the actual reason for what triggers bad behavior in dogs, it will be easier for you to remove that triggering factor. For example, if the sound of your doorbell triggers barking, remove the doorbell. 

Ø  Understand the Requirements of Your Furry Friend 

Sometimes, bad behavior takes place in dogs if you are not concerned about their requirements. You must try to understand the signals that your dog gives you. Pay attention to their signals; you will easily understand their requirements and prevent bad behavior in dogs. 

Ø  Maintain a Daily Exercise Routine 

There are some breeds that do chasing and digging like activities to use their total energy. These types of activities are considered bad behaviors in dogs. Make sure you give your furry friend regular exercise time.

It will give them the opportunity to burn off their whole energy level, and they will stop doing such activities as chasing and digging. In fact, the more time you spend with them, your dogs will better pay attention to what you say and obey all your commands attentively. 

Therefore, these are some of the useful techniques with which you can fix common bad behavior in dogs.